Pacific climate change science

  • Pacific Island region
  • Taking weather observations- Kiribati Meteorological service
  • The low lying pacific islands will be affected by rising sea levels
  • Coastline of Niue
Pacific Island region1 Taking weather observations- Kiribati Meteorological service2 The low lying pacific islands will be affected by rising sea levels3 Coastline of Niue4
Image Sliders by v3.8m

Pacific climate change science

Small island developing countries are among the most vulnerable to climate change.

During this century, these countries will face increasing threats to sustainable development from the impacts of climate change. Sectors which are likely to be most affected include human health, infrastructure, coastal resources, disaster management, fresh water availability, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, marine ecosystems and tourism.

Through the Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP), Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) program and Pacific Climate Change Science and Services Outreach Project, the Australian Government provided tools and knowledge to 15 Pacific island countries to enhance their capacity to deal with a changing climate.

This website provides access to the key resources and tools developed through these programs.

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